We have upgraded our single-screen One-G Foundation Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) to a 3-screen version. This will provide better peripheral vision which will make it easier to train procedures performed under visual conditions. This AATD is an excellent tool to learn how to perform normal and emergency procedures, navigate using flight instruments, and practice procedures used while operating under IFR.
Hours in the AATD may also count towards your certificates and ratings:
- Up to 2.5 hours for a Private Pilot Certificate with ASEL Rating
- Up to 20 hours for an Instrument-Airplane Rating
- Up to 50 hours for a Commercial Pilot Certificate with ASEL Rating
- Up to 25 hours for an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Certificate

If you are an instrument rated pilot, the One-G AATD can also be used to log the approaches required to maintain your instrument currency. You may get checked-out to use the AATD on your own or hire one of our instructors to help you.
The user interface and setup for this new AATD is the same as our prior AATD. There is no need to re-check to rent this one on your own.